Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the next step

Jan. 25, 2010

. Today my life was dominated by a full body PET scan at Jefferson. I have reason to believe the results will not be good and will result in some heavy duty chemo, and this is upsetting.

Larry left me off at the hospital at 8 am and, after registering, I went to the multi test room for a double blood draw – for the Nuclear Medicine people and for Jalil.

And then the long walk down to Nuclear Medicine. Luckily I had my oxygen pack with me.

At the nuclear medicine center I sat and waited for nearly 45 minutes for the infusion center to send down someone to access my port. She was a chipper young blond who wanted to know what was good, but in my mood, nuttin was good. She did complement my hairdo.

Once my port was accessed, they poured in the radioactive dye and had me nap for an hour. And I really fell asleep.

Then I was wheeled (by wheelchair) to the outboard trailer that holds the CT/PT machine, followed my a cluster of executive types, evaluating the system.

Up into the trailer, down on the flatbed, and at a very slow pace, rolled through the machine. I was very good and still and did not cough once.

Back at the nuclear medicine center, the infusion girl was waiting to de-access my port, and then I was free to go!

It was nearly 1 pm and I was famished.

We stopped at chilpotle grill on the way home, and got a basket to share. A good lunch for the both of us, rice and vegetables and beef with sour cream and guacamole over all.

And then I slept. I just couldn’t get enough sleep!

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