Wednesday, December 9, 2009

on Love

Our discussion group had an interesting topic this month – on love, lust, sex and how science has changed them.

Let me speak on love, and the curative power of love. A power that science, with all its instruments and theories, cannot quantify.

I sincerely believe that the power of love has made it possible for me to be here, a year and a half after I was given only months to live.

Let me try to explain.

Too often, we take our friends for granted, and then in an instant they are taken from us – – and we cry out, “But I didn’t have a chance to tell him how much he meant to me, how much I loved him!” or “what an impact she had on my life.”

Cancer is a generous disease, it gives us the time to show how much we care. When we leave, we leave behind no regrets, no missed opportunities to reach out to family and friends.

I have been surrounded by love this last year, from so many Sunnyhillers, by my family and friends, by my neighbors. They have shown their love through hugs and attention and by 100 kindnesses. This love has come not only from those I always counted as friends, but also from so many others. They have provided me with rides when I could not drive, meals when I could not cook. I have been given me an encouraging word and a pat on the back when I needed them.

And my husband has been so wonderful. He has become a soul mate and help mate and is there for me. He is both a pusher and a puller. He pushes me when he thinks I am up to a task, and pulls me along when I’m not. He nags that I should get out more, eat more, do my breathing exercises. On mornings when I can’t bend over to tie my shoes, he is there. And many an evening I am not up to cooking, he takes over in the kitchen. He drives me when I am not up to it, and lets me go when I can. He encourages me to be as strong as I am able. And all this is love, better shown than said.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

thanksgiving video

Going home for the holidays means traveling across the state to our son's home in eastern Pa. He makes the best roast turkey on his Weber Grill. We made this little video 2 years ago and put it up on YouTube. It has received over 9,000 hits during those 2 years and gained another 1,500 over this Thanksgiving holiday!